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Daisy's School of Thought

I am a mother of three who wants to optimise her children's potential and change the world through education.

  • I establish and manage physical schools for children from birth to teens;

  • create digital schools through writing awards-winning programs and books;

  • This page is another school of mine - my school of thoughts. Here, I write about my findings and journey in raising extraordinary kids.

Kids in Art Class


My thoughts on learning and other cognitive matters

Baking Ingredients

Physical Health

I’m obsessed with feeding my kids with nourishing food. Read about my experiences in over-coming picky eaters, promoting growth and raising athletes.

Baby's Grasp

Social Emotional

Raising kids is about building them up to be strong enough to thrive independently. 

Life Etc. Tote Bag


Life doesn't always fall neatly into our buckets. My other educator’s and parenting’s stories fall into this bucket.

© 2020 by Daisy Ng

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